I’ve Sinned…

Life changes…

I’ve met a handful of people within the last few months that have quietly altered my perspective for better.

Over the last few months I’ve met Alan, Jon (2x2), Jennifer and a multitude of others.

The night Jennifer began painting this self-portrait I was at Matt’s working on his new album with Alan. We decided it was time to call it a night and we began to pack our things. As we did I felt a cleanse of my ears was needed so I began working on a drum groove, which immediately resonated with Alan. Without hesitation he unpacked his guitars and told me to plug him in.

151 hours later of orchestration and mixing, (mind you the mix is rather rough) I found myself with a 3 track song.

I’ve Sinned…


Man it's been a minute since anyone's dropped music...

Me and Ian met not too far after the new year thanks to the likes of Matt. After talking for a while it became quite apparent that me and him would be seeing eye to eye when it comes to our visions for the future.

Ever since then we've been working together seeing what we can do when we put our minds together.


After spending a few days creating together we thought we'd put our efforts into a select few songs.

One of the likes was the song Minute. On an early afternoon Ian arrived at my house and we started working immediately on two songs. The second of which was this one, once I had heard just the rough instrumental, (not even the vocals) it was clearly recognizable that this one was special. I helped and attempted to capture the emotion in this song mixing/mastering and production wise.

It's one of the my favorites I've had the pleasure to partake in.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on this track.


(Update 2021)


This project has since been canceled and the remains are going to be refurbished to fit Off Cuff.

Spare Change...


Spare Change is nothing but throw-aways...

[Fun Fact: I hate letting anything go to waste.]

Spare Change is an annual series in which I (myself) publish music that I spent a lot of time on, most of which would be experiments or dabbles into different genres that seem amusing.

The term "Spare Change..." comes from a need to let go and let listen per say. I spend a great amount of my free time making music, and most of it (time well spent learning) doesn't prove much worth.

The times where I do believe I am onto something I pursue to finish its production then proceed to mix, master then release.

Spare Change is a (sorted yearly) collection of music that I believe is worth listening to and worth sitting around collecting dust...

[Fun Fact #2: The cover of 2017's collection of "Spare Change..." is my spin on the Apologetics cover]